Wigs are a older concept. Now the Wigs are called hair systems. they are Non surgical units which are attached on scalp and very thin and undetectable.If you’re the type of girl who can’t be bothered with doing your own hair on a day to day basis,extensions are a great option. Whether you need a seasonal protective style to give your hair a break,or you’re looking for something deluxe for a special occasion like a summer wedding or a graduation,buy best hair extensions can pretty much help you achieve any look you want.

A weave is pieces of hair woven or glued or stitched into one’s own hair to make it appear fuller or longer or both. You can change your style instantly,without cutting your hair or growing it out.Weaves also protect your natural hair,giving it a break from the heat.Plus,they’re great if you workout a lot.A weave stays in the hair for several days or weeks. Usually the hairdresser removes a weave to avoid excess damage to the real hair.
Should I get a wig or bundles for a sew-in? This is one of our Frequently Asked Questions…… we decided to do this blog because the answer is simple but there’s so much to elaborate on. If your thinking of purchasing your first custom-made wig or investing in some bundles then this blog is going to be especially helpful for you.Think of it like this with a wig you have no commitment and with a sew-in,you have a commitment of anywhere between 30-90 days. That’s the first thing to ask your self before you get a sew in…… can I commit to this style? If you like to change colors,styles,lengths,and textures then investing in a wig could be great for you. Let’s not get it twisted here you can actually change colors,styles ,textures,and lengths with a sew-in too but it’s not the same thing.
The pros of human hair wigs:
Lower price than getting a weave installed; If you wash and style a wig according to directions,they last a really long time,even the low-quality ones. Speaking of patting your weave,they itch terribly.You can maintain your natural hair underneath and allow your scalp to breathe.They can deal with the long-term commitment of a weave! Also,they’re easy to care for and maintain.
The cons of human hair wigs:
You have to re-install it daily; It’s not as secure because it isn’t sewn on.
The pros of virgin hair weave:
You can change your style instantly,without cutting your hair or growing it out. Weaves also protect your natural hair,giving it a break from the heat. Plus,they’re great if you workout a lot.
Many women said that they prefer wigs but are starting to like weaves. A weave can consist of a few tracks,or the whole head can be braided(what we call weaving or cornrows) for a full head weave. With a full head weave,the braids are sewn down or covered with a net. Extensions are then sewn to the braids.There are many options within.
The cons of virgin hair weave:
Three things: Improper application (like braiding hair too tight) can lead to hair loss; they can be costly to install and maintain; and if you use inferior hair,it can tangle,shed,or look unnatural.
How to choose? It depends on your lifestyle.
A wig is like a hat of hair. It consists of a cap with hair attached to it. Thus hair can be a completely different color,length and style for every wig one person has.

Generally a wig comes off at bedtime.
A weave is pieces of hair woven or glued or stitched into one’s own hair to make it appear fuller or longer or both.
A weave stays in the hair for several days or weeks. Usually the hairdresser removes a weave to avoid excess damage to the real hair.
Verdict: Wigs are great if you like to switch up your look. They are inexpensive,they can be easily blended with your own hair if you find one that matches your hair well (or get one custom made) and they allow you to maintain your natural hair because you can take them on and off at any time.Best for seasonal hair changes,long-term protective styling,giving natural hair a break.